Sunday, January 3, 2010

December Top 5

1.  David's wedding
2.  Jingle Bell Run
3.  Christmas
4.  New Year's Eve
5.  Finishing another semester

December was a busy month for me, with lots of surprises, lots of goals accomplished and lots of laughs.

1.  David's wedding

I found out Monday night that the friend I've known the longest, Mr. David O'Shea, was getting married...Wednesday morning.  I thought everybody was messing with me until I found out this was for real.  I'd known David had been dating Ambrosia with a long stretch of Interstate 55 in between them, but was extremely surprised to hear this.

All of us were really supportive of David and Ambrosia's decision, albeit seemingly hastily made.  But, to borrow a line from "the American Dream" Dusty Rhodes himself, when life gives you lemons, grab some apples and oranges and make fruit punch.

On Tuesday night, we got a group of about a dozen packed into a section at Buffalo Wild Wings.  Sam crafted a ball and chain for David to happily wear around the facility.  After a few of us spent some time at Billy's, I came home to find the bachelor party winding down in the garage.  This was where Beau beat me in a game of Rock Paper Scissors to become the best man.

The wedding morning consisted of Beau and Sam getting hammered before 9 a.m.  After purging his pre-wedding demons, Justin and I picked up Beau and Sam to head to Sarah's.  All of us were dressed nicely in probably our best outing since graduation. 

David was late to his own wedding at the Eureka Courthouse.  We all joked that he would either no-show, or would call a "PSYCHE!" on everybody and punk us all.  Thankfully he did neither, marching up the stairs in fatigues and combat boots, like he was going to go kick some ass after the vows.

After the families took 80 million pictures, we went to the Busy Corner.  I'll take at least half of the credit for suggesting that.  Beau and Sam, possibly still wasted, both spilled their waters in a matter of minutes.  The kind lady who patiently waited on us said they were worse than her grandchildren.

That night, the families hosted a nice reception at the Flame.  Apparently there was an after party at Justin's, but I was bushed and decided to call it a night.

The wedding pictures

2.  Jingle Bell Run

Future art educator Sam Ingram is a mad scientist when it comes to making costumes.  Decked out in a cutoff with a white skull, I played the role of the Punisher for our team - The Return of the Holiday Heroes: The Team Formerly Known as Team Slayer. 

Other superheroes included Thor (Beau), Nightcrawler (Rego), The Flash (Billy), The Hulk (Joey), Doctor Octopus (Bob), Batman (Justin), Captain America (Caleb), Iron Man (Sam himself), Spider-Man (Cory), Wolverine (Jesse) and Professor X (Jon). 

This was the first time I felt I could handle a run.  And it was a high school reunion of sorts since it was the first time we'd been in that big of a group since the summer, probably. 

Everybody getting ready in Sam's parents' basement was a sight to see - Joey mixing blue and yellow paint together, spandexed individuals, and Beau shouting to Sam to retrieve him things after hijacking Sam's bed. 

I ran with Beau and Sam for about the last two miles, but had to sprint at the very end to punctuate my time over Beau's, who'd given me hell for being able to run about the same as a chainsmoker. 

Some family were also there cheering me on at the end too, which was cool.  My dad's cousin had a team, which had some of my cousins, aunts and uncles on it.  They had done the walking portion and were supporting those who braved the cold.  Personally, I had lost the feeling in my bare hands after the first mile.

3.  Christmas

Christmas was another big surprise.  All plans my mom and her brother had made were out the window when my grandparents ended up staying in town, delaying their leave for Florida until the 26th. 

I got pretty everything I wanted - some karate books, a few wrestling DVDs, and some nice clothes.  I mostly wanted cash, though, to spend on my upcoming trip to Ireland. 

I purchased some gifts of my own though, including a nice new coat that's lighter and warmer than my big leather one, and the HTC Droid Eris.  That thing is slick. 

4.  New Year's Eve

It could technically be included with David's wedding, but that would just be long and boring after awhile.

I went out to eat with the family, two aunts and an uncle, along with a new sort-of cousin.  Then it was off to Normal with Billy and one Kyle Cunningham to Sam's. 

The party wasn't all that rockin' when I showed up, but after a case of PBR, some monkey brew and cheap wine, we were ready to raise some hell at David and Ambrosia's second reception.  We took the wheelchair Sam had rented over and invaded the party next door.  These guys sucked.  One guy asked me if I was a cop because I was taping the event, and a few feet down a guy kept asking, "who let all the fucking ugly people in here?"  I was pleased to hear this guy got punched in the face some time after I left Sam's.

Incidentally, Kyle helped mend fences with what I believe was my last major beef with anybody in high school.  We stopped at Suzanne Everett's for a bit.  I honestly didn't want to go because I remembered our spat over prom from senior year.  I don't know if it was the alcohol or she just didn't care anymore, but she welcomed all of us in with open arms. 

I decided all of the people there were douchebags when they told us we were lame for not drinking.  Thankfully we didn't stay long.  But I was relieved to end the decade without any serious issues from the past.

At midnight, instead of the usual toast to Fat Dan like we've become accustomed to doing, we aired grievances against one individual.  An individual who doesn't respect Bob, Beau, or anybody who eats pizza.  An individual who clearly isn't in a position to pass judgment on anyone.  An individual who, had he shown up, probably would've caused a riot based on the actions of Sam's guests. 

It was shortly after the handlebar-mustachioed feller showed up that I decided to call it a night.  I wish I hadn't now after I heard a brawl broke out between the neighboring parties. 

5.  Finishing another semester

This semester flew by.  I still can't believe it came and went just like that.  I got 4 As and a B.  All things considered, I should be stoked for that B.  But like an endangered animal, the 15-hour semester of all As is an elusive son of a bitch. 

The lack of school work has allowed me to take up reading again.  I've polished off four books since the start of break.  When school's not in, that's when I try to read recreationally.  Otherwise it's just textbooks.  I don't know how people read for fun when school is in.  I was going to start another book today, then decided I'd rather blog instead. 

All in all, December has been filled with a lot of the unexpected.  Sam hosts two kickass parties in the same month, I do my first run, Christmas plans change entirely, and one of my best friends got married.

Only in this guy's world does this kind of madness go down.