Thursday, August 20, 2009

Game Over

With a week left until I start classes again, I thought it's time to take a look back at the summer that was 2009. I looked back on an old blog post to see what I'd kept up with.

Take 2 classes

Done. Computers & Society, as well as Foundations of Interactive Digital Entertainment. Got an A in both.

Continue working at the IGA and mow to make some scrilllllllllllllllaaaaaaa.

Scrilla made. My checks have been decent. Mowing has brought in some extra dough, and I've worked for Scot twice.

Teach myself to play something on the guitar...I'm thinking the intro to "Seek and Destroy"

The first thing I didn't get done. I'll give myself credit, as I did actually pick up a guitar and start playing around. I looked through an old book of my brother's. Then I got lazy.

Teach the little kids and help out with the high schoolers. Plus keep up with my own training - refining old stuff and learning new stuff while staying in tip-top shape.

I figured out after I wrote this that I was burnt out. I skipped over the kids classes and only went to stuff where I knew I'd get new information. I guess that sounds selfish. Luckily for me (unluckily for others), I'm unable to teach kids for a semester. I'm glad I get a break because I'm still worn out from it.

I did help out the high schoolers a lot, and Justin and I went to Mr. Hawkey's for training that has been covered in previous posts. I've also done a decent amount of running and biking, so I think I'm in pretty good shape.

Take up boxing (and potentially Brazilian jiu-jitsu) at the Peoria Athletic Club in Morton

I've even e-mailed the people in charge of this place to tell them I'm coming (partially to get myself motivated to live up to my word) but I never went. I've also heard some negative things about this place. But as the school year starts and I'm unavailable for karate in Metamora, I may give this another shot.

Watch all episodes of South Park in chronological order (currently almost done with Season 1)

Mission accomplished, almost. I'm on the second disc of season 12. Nice.

Compose a large set of notes on various kata I practice from different books and sources for an all-in-one digital reference.

Check, kind of. I didn't make anything ready for publication but I was able to scramble for many more notes through my own training and reading.

Re-edit a video to change some things

I'm pretty sure the GCC was closed, but I never checked. I plan to do it when the building opens for school and hopefully get it done before other homework bogs me down.

Shoot/produce a video for green belt requirements (this was supposed to be started last fall but timing was never right)

Yeah, this didn't even get talked about. So long, requirements.

Redesign the Metamora Martial Arts website. Currently waiting for Invision to release IP.Board v3.0.0.

Project started; still incomplete. Actually I had to wait for IPB to release something that just came out a little while ago, and I didn't start messing with it until today. I'm having a few problems with it at the moment, but hopefully it will be ready soon so I can make edits and go to town.

Head to sweet concerts and shows - Dead to Fall on May 24 and no others currently in line yet.

Dead to Fall was sweet (as described in a previous post), but I didn't end up going to any other major shows besides local ones. Looking forward to two concerts at Pop's - Gaslight Anthem and Murder By Death, and then Down, both in September.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

July - Top 5

Another month, another top 5!

Finishing summer classes

I finished my second class early on in July, leaving me free to spend my summer doing whatever I want.

This class was fun for me - Foundations of Interactive Digital Entertainment. It was essentially 5 weeks to produce the biggest research project I've ever completely, and the book was intriguing.

Good class...would take again.

Defeating the Harvester of Sorrow

Last year's main event pitting Stone Cold Steve Adam against the Harvester of Sorrow was put together on a whim, somewhat, and 30 people showed up. We hyped it for a month this year and barely got anybody besides the people wrestling to show up.

It didn't turn out to be the real production I was shooting for, but we all ended up having lots of fun and that suits me just fine. The matches themselves were probably pretty awful, so I ended up just putting clips together.

Thanks, Jackie.

As it stands right now, this blogger doesn't anticipate a rematch for the Harvester to settle the score, and may just retire as the Champ.

Working in Pontiac

Most people aren't jonesing to sit under a tent next to a stable of pigs to work the Livingston County 4H Fair. Truth be told, I don't either. But 3 days working the infield of a remotely controlled racetrack gave me some extra cash to blow on DVDs and a case for my kamas.

Vacation in St. Louis

Despite the typical family bickering, I really liked St. Louis. Usually when people want to get out of this area, they want to go to Chicago. Well, you can all have the Windy City, because my new favorite city (that's close to Peoria, anyway) is the Gateway to the West.

We hit the Lincoln Museum on the way down in Springfield, then went to the Arch, zoo, Anheuser-Busch brewery, and historic St. Charles.

St. Louis pictures

The Welcome Home Party

Upon my return from St. Louis, I met the karate crew at Kartville and had fun cruising in go-karts, getting driven by (first) Deshi Adam for the first (and last?) time ever, and playing mini-golf. After a short snack at Emo's, Gabby and Jackie called to say they were throwing Adam Bockler a welcome home party.

Needless to say, I was thrilled. For some reason, my mind painted the picture that I would parade down Noel with my boss and another coworker cheering my return home and Gabby's house would be decorated to the max. This image was further solidified with the fact that the ladies were at Wal-mart, likely getting streamers, hats, cake, and other party necessities.

Hey, a guy can dream.

Reality hit pulling into a dark, dimly lit Noel, seeing their cars parked by the fire hydrant. I walked in and the dogs barked, and Jackie and Gabby were busy diving into watermelon. I joined in and regaled them of St. Louis, then we proceeded to chill until about 12:30.

What a random night and tiring day.


I'm really looking forward to an August Top 5, featuring a day trip to Chicago via Amtrak train, school starting up again, and some other potential things I'll be keeping hush on for the time being.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Review - The Twisted and Disturbed Life of Kane

Short of The Undertaker, Kane is, in my estimation, one of the more unique attractions that currently decorates the WWE roster. Despite a less-than-thrilling push over the past year, Kane has an interesting history.

The backstory is quite possibly the best. As a child, Kane was burned badly in a fire started by his brother, The Undertaker. From what was presented on the DVD, The Undertaker's manager-turned-tormentor Paul Bearer made it sound like everyone was to believe that Kane was dead. However, after months of build, Kane finally re-appeared after 20 years, wearing a mask and covering most of his body from the supposed scars.

Yet The Undertaker refused to fight his brother. Finally, after being burned inside a casket, The Undertaker returned and agreed to fight his brother one-on-one at WrestleMania XIV, where Kane would be defeated and become one of many victims of the Undertaker.

It sounds ridiculous, but of all the stories concocted within professional wrestling lore, the history of Kane and The Undertaker is probably my favorite.

The DVD includes their first encounter, but also features several matches where the Brothers of Destruction team up to take on the likes of the Dudleyz, Edge & Christian, and King Booker & Finlay.

Other important matches from early on are showcased, like his in-ring debut against Mankind. The arena was lit in red, as JR supposed, because of Kane's powers.

His only WWF title win is on here, where he beat Stone Cold Steve Austin (but then lost the title the next night). Two Triple H matches appear, one in 2000 where Kane wins Intercontinental title, and the other condensing that same title with Triple H's World title. Yes, JR and the King referenced the car crash that Kane apparently was in as a teenager, killing Katie Vick. Luckily they didn't refer to her by name, or they just edited it out because it was so stupid.

Kane & Rob Van Dam against Christian and Chris Jericho was pretty good, featuring a young Randy Orton and a still-somewhat-returning Shawn Michaels. Luckily Kane's cage match with RVD was selected for this DVD instead of their first match together at SummerSlam 2003, which was pretty bad, if memory serves correct.

While Shane McMahon has never been an active wrestler, I'll give credit where credit is due and say the two matches with him on this DVD were pretty entertaining, including a wicked fall by Shane from the top of the entrance way.

Both Edge matches on this are also solid efforts, as is the Monster vs. Monster match with Umaga.

As interesting as the Kane character is, he has taken some weird turns over the years, and the segments in between matches try to explain it. For example, Kane impregnates Lita, and no reason was given on this DVD. After a "wedding from Hell," Lita seems to finally give in to Kane until turning on him to align with Edge, which was really a catalyst for Edge's career at that point, in my opinion.

Also, the car crash defies logic, as I've always been under the impression that Kane didn't have a normal life growing up, being shunned from society from the scars The Undertaker caused.

And if THAT'S the case, Kane's unmasking revealed no scars; instead, it was decided that Kane has emotional scarring and that he saw himself and the world differently than they saw him.

But the unmasking didn't come about until AFTER the Katie Vick / car crash angle.

Like with most wrestling storylines, it's best to not try and critically analyze it.

Extras on disc 1 feature full Undertaker/Kane history, as well as Kane vs. Pete Rose at 3 WrestleMania events. Disc 2 features promos with Rob Van Dam, Hulk Hogan, and the Rock. Disc 3 is Kane's battle royal win at WrestleMania 24, followed by what is billed as the quickest match in WM history with Chavo for the ECW title.


There are a few things I can think of that I wish would've highlighted Kane more. For instance, this DVD never mentioned the revelation that Paul Bearer was Kane's father, having had sex with The Undertaker's mother in the funeral home (I think that's how it went. It sounds ludicrous so let's go with that explanation).

It also didn't mention Kane's 2001 Royal Rumble record of 11 eliminations. The full match wasn't necessary, but a highlight package would've been nice with that and other impressive Rumble moments throughout the years.

I really wish they would've had at least promos for the build to the WrestleMania 20 rematch with The Undertaker, featuring some of my favorite spots like the ring moving and other craziness.

Finally, there was no mention of Kane teaming with the Hurricane (short of Triple H giving him a Pedigree in the 2002 IC vs. World title match), who I'm sure had at least one DVD-worthy match in their run.


Kane's debut into the WWF didn't start out the typical way. He wasn't a monster heel coming in to take over anything or win a title. Kane came into the WWF to beat his brother The Undertaker. Apparently, somewhere along the way, the character decided to wreak havoc on the WWF roster while he was there, and Kane has been a mainstay ever since.

I don't think this DVD is a must-have because Kane has never been at the heart and soul of WWE storylines, but for anybody who isn't familiar with the character or who just enjoys Kane, it's pretty good.