With a week left until I start classes again, I thought it's time to take a look back at the summer that was 2009. I looked back on an old blog post to see what I'd kept up with.
Take 2 classes
Done. Computers & Society, as well as Foundations of Interactive Digital Entertainment. Got an A in both.
Continue working at the IGA and mow to make some scrilllllllllllllllaaaaaaa.
Scrilla made. My checks have been decent. Mowing has brought in some extra dough, and I've worked for Scot twice.
Teach myself to play something on the guitar...I'm thinking the intro to "Seek and Destroy"
The first thing I didn't get done. I'll give myself credit, as I did actually pick up a guitar and start playing around. I looked through an old book of my brother's. Then I got lazy.
Teach the little kids and help out with the high schoolers. Plus keep up with my own training - refining old stuff and learning new stuff while staying in tip-top shape.
I figured out after I wrote this that I was burnt out. I skipped over the kids classes and only went to stuff where I knew I'd get new information. I guess that sounds selfish. Luckily for me (unluckily for others), I'm unable to teach kids for a semester. I'm glad I get a break because I'm still worn out from it.
I did help out the high schoolers a lot, and Justin and I went to Mr. Hawkey's for training that has been covered in previous posts. I've also done a decent amount of running and biking, so I think I'm in pretty good shape.
Take up boxing (and potentially Brazilian jiu-jitsu) at the Peoria Athletic Club in Morton
I've even e-mailed the people in charge of this place to tell them I'm coming (partially to get myself motivated to live up to my word) but I never went. I've also heard some negative things about this place. But as the school year starts and I'm unavailable for karate in Metamora, I may give this another shot.
Watch all episodes of South Park in chronological order (currently almost done with Season 1)
Mission accomplished, almost. I'm on the second disc of season 12. Nice.
Compose a large set of notes on various kata I practice from different books and sources for an all-in-one digital reference.
Check, kind of. I didn't make anything ready for publication but I was able to scramble for many more notes through my own training and reading.
Re-edit a video to change some things
I'm pretty sure the GCC was closed, but I never checked. I plan to do it when the building opens for school and hopefully get it done before other homework bogs me down.
Shoot/produce a video for green belt requirements (this was supposed to be started last fall but timing was never right)
Yeah, this didn't even get talked about. So long, requirements.
Redesign the Metamora Martial Arts website. Currently waiting for Invision to release IP.Board v3.0.0.
Project started; still incomplete. Actually I had to wait for IPB to release something that just came out a little while ago, and I didn't start messing with it until today. I'm having a few problems with it at the moment, but hopefully it will be ready soon so I can make edits and go to town.
Head to sweet concerts and shows - Dead to Fall on May 24 and no others currently in line yet.
Dead to Fall was sweet (as described in a previous post), but I didn't end up going to any other major shows besides local ones. Looking forward to two concerts at Pop's - Gaslight Anthem and Murder By Death, and then Down, both in September.