Sunday, May 17, 2009

WWE Supershow - 5/16/09

Originally uploaded by abockler
Overall, I'd say this show was enjoyable. The main complaint that my friends and I had is that there were a lot of restholds in most of the matches. The best explanation I could give is that there is a PPV tomorrow and they were trying to lessen the chances of injury.

This was WWE's first show at the US Cellular Coliseum in Bloomington, IL.

1. CM Punk d. Shelton Benjamin by pinfall after the Go To Sleep.

Punk was way over and everybody seemed thrilled he was starting the night.

2. Tyson Kidd (w/ Natalya) d. Evan Bourne by pinfall after interference from David Harry Smith.

After the match, the future New Hart Foundation celebrated. No attempt by Evan Bourne for the Shooting Star Press.

3. Sheamus d. Jimmy Wang Yang by pinfall.

Sheamus cut a promo beforehand explaining who he is and the crowd wasn't behind it. We got the cool usual spots of Yang, but Sheamus won. Not sure what the maneuver was because I was trying to snap a picture as it was happening.

4. R Truth d. Dolph Ziggler by pinfall after hitting his spinning shoulder tackle.

Truth did his usual cool entrance through the crowd somewhat close to where we were. Dolph didn't get much heat coming out, but he grabbed a mic and got to, "My name..." before everybody booed him. He never even got it out after trying for a few minutes, getting angry and throwing a tantrum. I thought it was hilarious.

Truth grabbed the mic and said nobody cares his name is Dolph Ziggler. Then he said the soles on Dolph's boots are so thin, he could stand on bubble gum and tell what flavor it is.

Yeah, I didn't get it either.

5. Primo and Carlito d. Priceless by DQ to retain the WWE Unified Tag Team Titles after DiBiase smacked one of them with a chair.

Priceless laid out the champs. The match was pretty much just holding down Carlito until Primo made the hot tag and took control for a few minutes. DiBiase smacked one of them with a chair (can't remember which) and the fans went nuts with the boos.


6. The Bella Twins d. Beth Phoenix and Rosa Mendes after interference from Hornswoggle, who came from under the ring.

Phoenix chased Hornswoggle halfway down the aisle, but was too late to run back to the ring to save Rosa.

7. ECW Champion Christian retained the title after defeating Jack Swagger with the Killswitch.

Swagger cut a promo before the match...nothing memorable, though.

8. John Cena, Jeff Hardy, and Batista d. Big Show, Edge, and Randy Orton when Cena pinned Show.

Nobody talked before this one. Edge and Show hugged as Orton was coming out.

Who's telling Orton to take 5 minutes to walk to the ring anyway?

Triple H was advertised for this match, but was replaced by Jeff Hardy.

Jeff Hardy got beat up for most of the match. It ended up with Show getting the Swanton Bomb from Jeff Hardy followed by the Attitude Adjustment from Cena for the pin.