Friday, December 5, 2008

Semester's End is Near

The end of the semester is here and I'm pretty calm about the whole thing, actually. We finished up our audio final, and I'm getting good enough a grade in there I don't need to take the final. COM 101 will only cover material since the last exam, and MM 213 and ART 205 are final projects coupled with quizzes.

The end of the semester marks the end of my absence from karate at the high school. I've taken a Bradley-imposed sabbatical from there since August so I'm happy to finally start getting back in the groove of things. Whether the two days I can go are conditioning days or actual practice doesn't matter matter to me, because I'll get my nidan training either way and I could benefit from regular practice or more physicality.

The end of the semester marks a new busy period for me, partially because of the class I'll be taking, and partially for the karate DVD material I want to film and have edited by the time spring semester starts up.

Goals for winter break 2KH8/2K9

  • film/edit Green Belt Requirements DVD for Metamora Martial Arts
  • send out fundraising letters to various businesses for open tournament $$$
  • clean out/organize this giant-ass box in my closet full of stuff from grade school and fresh/soph/junior year of high school
  • do well in the class I'm taking
  • attend as memorable a New Year's party as last year's
  • start nidan training
  • read a book...I just really want to read a non-school-assigned book, man
  • film a surprise I just heard about tonight
Keep up to date...I think I'm going to blog a serious of memorable events from the last year.